Saturday, August 6, 2011

life without hope

  Do you ever wonder what life would be like with out Jesus Christ. it would be hopeless. there we be no reason to live. a lot of people think life is for them. everything is about them. life is just to do what every you want . but that's not true.God put us on this earth to share the good news of this second return. when he takes home his beloved saved people. i was reading my bible study the other day and Billy Graham said something that painted a picture of how he saved us from our sins. when we repent and turn to him. he said " In the olden days the astronaut's, when they came down from space there shuttle thing they were in would land in the water, in the ocean and a plane would come and pull them out and bring them to safety on a ship . that's just like what Christ dose. we are the astronauts in the ocean . when we repent and trust in Christ he will rescue us from our sins or like the astronaut's he will rescue us from the ocean and bring us to him to heave. like they brought them to a safety ship. so if you aren't saved and are lost or are trying to find the missing part inside of you turn to Christ. nothing is better and nothing else will satisfies you.,clothes,fame,stuff. non of that will last but Jesus will. so put your life,love, turn and whole self into him. he died for you and me and our sins . he loves us soooo much more than anyone or anything will . believe in him.
John 3:16 say . For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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